Cycle Brookfield believes in the Power of Bicycles, and seeks to expand fun and safe cycling through education, event organization and community support.

Bike Safety Quiz

Cycle Brookfield promotes cycling safety through a variety events and informal rides. Take a quiz to see how much you know about bike safety.
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The Adult Bicycle Quiz has 35 multiple-choice questions divided into Bronze (10 questions), Silver (13), and Gold (12) levels. The questions cover on-road and off-road situations, skills and techniques, common mistakes, and reverent laws.

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The Child Bicycle Quiz has three levels - Bronze (12 questions), Silver (7 questions), and Gold (6 questions). For each question, click the best choice and then click "Next". When you get an answer wrong, we'll tell you why. You have three chances to get the correct answer. Good Luck!
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The Motorist Quiz has 27 multiple-choice questions divided into Bronze (14 questions), Silver (7 questions), and Gold (6 questions). The questions cover on-road situations, techniques, common mistakes, and reverent laws when sharing the road with bicycles.
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Cycle Brookfield is a 501c3 non-for-profit advocacy group with a mission to make cycling, walking, and driving safe and enjoyable for all. We encourage all cyclist to wear helmets and light up their bike.